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MID Web Based Visitor Management System

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  • Web Based Visitor Management System running on mini server.

  • Each entry/exit point is equipped with a tablet that is used to enter visitors' information.

  • Speed up the registration process by using OCR scanning method (Optical Character Recognition Technology) with built-in tablet camera.

  • Visitor is allow to use their IC, new driving license or passport to completes the check-in process.

  • There is an option to allows visitor to take picture during check-in and check-out process.

  • The admin Dashboard display LIVE the checked visitors and the security personnel currently on duty

  • Support pre-register visitor by generate check-in QR code.

  • Blacklist certain visitor that have previously caused violations and ban them from entering the facility.

  • Manage security personnel accounts by names, ID or shifts in order for the system to tag them at every check-in and check-out record.

  • Generate and export reports in PDF format.


User Manual


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