Paxton P50 Keypad Proximity Reader

The KP50 Screw connector keypad readers are RFID/Keypad combinations devices that offer the convenience of contactless authentication, or the added security of PIN/Prox entry, for system users.
The readers are supplied with a choice of black or white covers/bezels.
Noted: Be sure to avoid mounting proximity readers on metal surfaces or near other proximity readers as this will affect the read range.
A token is read by holding it within close proximity of the reader. Once a token has been read the control unit looks up the access permissions of that user. The control unit verifies the information and grants or denies access as appropriate.
By default, all 3 LEDs are lit. If access is granted, the green LED flashes. An audible tone is emitted. When using Token + PIN, the Amber LED will flash after the token has been presented, indicating the need to enter a PIN. If an incorrect PIN is entered, access is denied and the red LED flashes. An audible tone is emitted. Using PIN ONLY, incorrect PIN’s will not return an access denied response.